Manage your finance with our simple to use yet powerful financial & accounting system (FAS)
Clear & systematic way of doing things backed with the power of cloud.
Key Capabilities
Delivery Order Management
Keeping track of customers' orders and handling the steps involved with fulfilling them
Customer & Supplier Management
Management systems and records the details of named individuals for both customers and suppliers
Financial Reports
Formal records of the financial activities and position of a business, person, or other entity
Invoice Management
Method by which companies track and pay supplier invoices
Bank Accounts Management
Consists of the policies, procedures and actions corporates
follow to open, close or modify bank accounts held by
their financial institutions
Everything in one place
From pay runs to expenses,
NBit FAS works for you.
Remove the hassle of manually doing bookkeeping & accounts for your organization.
Interested in FAS? Engage us for more info and you can get started immediately.